Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Wisdom Teeth - Episode 2

Sometimes I wonder what happened to that little girl I knew 15 years ago.

Oh, she had been such a brave soul, pulling out all her milk teeth on her own, while all other kids cried and got frightened. She even found her way back home by herself, in the middle of the night where she had earlier wandered off from her mother during a shopping trip.

I don't know what happened to her.

But i know for sure that no one would ever mistake that little girl to be me. Cos I haven't the faintest idea how in the world I've grown up to be such chicken-shit. Really.

I had gone to the dentist yesterday for a consultation and x-ray ever since my wisdom tooth created a hell of a problem. I knew for sure that a surgery was imminent but what I didn't know was that I had to extract all FOUR WISDOM TEETH! Damn! Could things get any worse??

Me : (shocked like hell) WHAT? I thought it was just one tooth.

Dentist : Nope. All four of your third molars are impacted. I advise you to remove all of them as they are compressing against your nerves. Take a look here. (pointing to the x-ray) Your nerves have plunged deeply way below normal.

A fleeting thought had crossed my mind when I first looked at the x-ray of my skull. About how we can or try to be so pretty on the outside, but inside - we all look the same. I don't know why I had thought of something so strange. Freakkky.

Me : (looking all pale-stricken) Oh. Ok. So i'll be alright after the surgery?

Dentist : I have to inform you first about the risk involved in the whole procedure.

Me : (beginning to PANIC) I'm not gonna die right?

Dentist : (smiling really widely) Oh no, you're not. We are gonna have to remove some of the bone mass in your jaw in order to remove the tooth so there's a 15% chance you may not be able to feel your cheek, chin and lips for the next 1 - 3 months.

Today I am still numb.

What? Am i supposed to be relieved that its not some major risk my twisted mind had imagined? I am unsure as to what I should feel. In fact, I think I am already quite terrified at the possibility of not feeling some parts of my face for 3 months.

And the only one thing I'm sure of, is I definitely do not want to feel anything during the surgery so I have opted to be under general anesthesia.

Ah. The chicken-shit that I am. *beams proudly*

Many weird scenarios played in my mind last night. Right after my best friend had teased me about my face bloating up after the whole thing. About eating porridge for 2 weeks. And how its gonna drip all over me cos I won't be able to feel a thing. How i might not even realize porridge is dripping.

"You are so gonna look retarded" she said with glee.

Gee...thanks. With friends like that I sure don't need enemies, do i? Lol.

And so I had let my imagination wander. Just a little bit more. Visualizing someone kiss me and afters I'll go, "You mean you're finished?". *grin*

Am i going a tad too far or is it really THAT bad?

Well, I guess I'll find out soon enough. In 5 weeks time - the HARD WAY.


Blogger Jay said...

Well... just think of how pouty your lips will be after that.

6:16 pm  
Blogger Jay said...

It's not bad at all. It's nothing. In 5 weeks, you'll be embarrassed you were so worried. Just relax!

6:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh don't worry. Even if you look retarded, I'll still be your bestfriend. No matter how spastic you are.

I promise.

3:17 pm  

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