Tuesday, August 29, 2006


As I drank my black coffee I was hoping that the bitter taste would console me. But it did not.

That maybe there could be something more distasteful than my life right now. I couldn't be more wrong.

For how can there be anything more agonizing? I cannot feel any more pain than this. Yet, I cannot stop hurting.

And it does not erase the fact that my life is as shitty as I think it is. And I am as empty as I think I am.

What could be worse than living this life? What could be worse when you know whats in store for you and you can do nothing - but wait?

Questions. I've got so many questions. But thats not the problem.

The problem is the answer. The answer that I will have to wait for.
And every day it kills me - just a little bit more.


Blogger Jay said...

I'm sorry things are apparantly so tough right now - I do hope they've gotten better by now and that you'll update soon so we know you're okay.

1:30 am  

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